Advice & Guidance

Notre Dame Plymouth provides a wide range of advice and support for students at each stage of their school life. We review our programme every year so that students are offered the most up to date package of information and support.

Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG)
A variety of advice and guidance days and evenings are available throughout the year, enabling parents to discuss the progress of their children. Progress Reviews, outlining students’ current progress against targets and their attitude to learning, are sent home three times a year.
Provider Access
Next policy review: 2024


This outlines the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to students at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

The Baker Clause

The Baker Clause is an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act, which requires schools to proactively provide access to their pupils to alternative providers of technical and post 14, 16 and 18 education.

It requires that ALL schools from January 2nd 2018:

Ensure that ALL pupils have access to hear what the following providers offer;

  • At 14: studio schools, university technical colleges, further education colleges, in relation to any opportunities for 14-year-old enrolment
  • At 16: apprenticeship providers, further education colleges, sixth form colleges, work-based training providers
  • At 18: apprenticeship providers, higher education providers
See the Notre Dame Baker Clause on our Policies Page here

Student entitlement

All students in years 8-13 are entitled to find out about technical qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training opportunities available at each transition point. Pupils will have the opportunity to hear from local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through PSHE lessons, assemblies and taster events.

Management of provider access requests

Providers wishing to request access for years 7-11 or for post 16 options, should contact Trudi Byng, Head of Careers and PSHE through email at [email protected] or telephone 01752 775101. For years 12-13 they may also wish to contact Carole Slade Head of Sixth Form, [email protected].
Opportunities for access

Providers are invited into school when convenient for assemblies and as part of the integrated school careers programme.
Year 7  Tutor time careers focus at varying points during the year PSHE lessons, Autumn term, hopes and plans for the future 
Year 8 Tutor time careers focus at varying points during the year PSHE lessons, Spring term, work related learning and careers researchDimension Day Summer Term, Careers in health Take my child to work day, Summer term GCSE options evening and associated assemblies, Spring term 
Year 9 Tutor time careers focus at varying points during the year Career pilot introduction, Autumn term Career pilot skills profile and job sectors, Spring termNSSW Introduction to HE Taster sessions at local colleges 
Year 10 Tutor time careers focus at varying points during the year Career Pilot, My Skills ProfileDimension Day, Autumn term, Enterprise dayAssemblies from local providers PSHE lessons, preparation for work and work experience launch, Spring termUniversity visit, Summer termCSW one to one support Employer encounters, various points during year
Year 11 Tutor time careers focus at varying points during the year Career Pilot Work experience, Autumn termCareers Fayre, Autumn term CSW one to one support Continuing education morning (Post 16 options), Spring termNext Steps South West apprenticeship talks, MADE Rapid Revision sessions Spring Term UCAS Fayre, Spring term Post 16 assemblies 6th Form open evening, Spring termSixth Form taster sessions, Summer term Destination Tracking 
Year 12 Next Steps South West Higher and Degree apprenticeship talks, Spring Term Career Pilot reviewUCAS Fayre, Spring term UCAS applicationUniversity visits, Spring term CSW one to one support for those students still unsureOpportunities for employer interactions Post 18 assemblies Destination Tracking 
Premises and Facilities

The school can make a large assembly space, classroom or smaller meeting space available for discussions between the provider and students and ensure all necessary IT equipment is available. Providers are welcome to leave copies of their literature to be made available to students in the careers section of the Library which is open to students during the day.
Work Related Learning

“Careers education helps young people develop the knowledge and skills needed to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work. Careers guidance enables young people to use the knowledge and skills developed to make decisions about learning and work that are right for them.” (Careers Education and Guidance in England, DfES 2003).

Careers Education and Guidance is delivered by form tutors and teachers of PSHE within the ethos and mission statement of Notre Dame Plymouth. Its three strands enable students to:

  • understand themselves and the influences on them (self-development)
  • investigate opportunities in learning and work (career exploration)
  • make and adjust plans to manage change and transition (career management).
These three strands are developed from Year 7 through to Year 13. In particular:

In Year 8 students apply knowledge and skills gained in choosing appropriate KS4 courses.

In Y10/11 all students are offered a 1:1 meeting with a Personal Careers Advisor from Careers South West (CSW).

In Year 11 all students experience a one-week work placement, giving them a valuable insight into the wider world of work.

In Year 11 students prepare job applications and curriculum vitae, which form the basis for a mock interview with a local employer. A careers guidance interview with a Careers South West adviser is available for Year 11 and Sixth Form students requiring one. Work experience is an integral part of Sixth Form, NVQ and AVCE courses.

Click below for more on Work Experience:
In addition:

  • Appropriate ICT software (e.g. Kudos, Career Pilot) is used at each key stage as part of the investigative and decision making process.
  • Students are given the opportunity to attend career events such as the Skills South West Show, University Open Days and The UCAS HE Fair in Exeter.

In the autumn term Y11 have a continuing education morning to launch the start of their Post-16 option applications. ND Sixth has its Open Evening shortly after this to which all Y11 students are invited. The range of opportunities is explained and students can discuss their options with teachers and those currently studying in the Sixth Form

In the spring term of each year, Y8 students make decisions about the courses and subjects they wish to study at Key Stage 4. The school offers a number of personalised pathways for students to choose from, including GCSEs, BTECs and ASDAN.

Choices Guides are produced each year to support students in their decision making. The 2018-19 version is attached below and was distributed to parents and students during our Options Evening in January 2019.
Evaluating our Programme

We take the need to evaluate our programme seriously and listen to what our students say. The PSHE programme is evaluated at the end of each academic year. Individual students give feedback on their Work Experience (WEX) and 1:1 career interviews. This information is used to make improvements for the following year.

Our Programme

Here is a snap shot of our current IAG programme (2018-19). It shows a brief outline of what we offer in each year group.

Year 7

  • Exploring ‘Who am I’
  • Starting to meet with employers
Year 8

  • Employability Passport in PSHE
  • GCSE option decisions including evening for parents and students
  • Health Careers Dimension Day
  • Introduction of a ‘take your child to work day’ (2019)
  • Reception Duty
Year 9

  • Introduction to Career Pilot
  • Support in embarking on GCSEs
  • Option to attend the Skills South West Road Show
  • Attend Plymouth University Open day in the summer term
Year 10
  • WEX launch
  • Additional WEX in specialist areas e.g. TR2, Armed forces
  • 1:1 careers interviews begin
  • Option to attend the Skills South West Road Show
Year 11
  • One week WEX
  • ND Sixth Open Evening for parents and students
  • 1:1 careers interviews continue
  • Attend UCAS HE Fair in Exeter
  • Interviews by Head of Sixth Form about Post-16 subjects
  • Attend UCAS HE Fair in Exeter
  • Learn for Life programme on Friday mornings e.g. Apprenticeships and Foundation Degree input from City College Plymouth
  • E time subjects enhance academic curriculum
  • Personal Statement Day at Plymouth University Personal support for UCAS and other applications
  • 1:1 careers interviews available
Advice for Parents

Please see below a link to the Government website where they list a free exams results and careers advice helpline:

Please click below for more information on apprenticeships:
Career Pilot offers expert careers information and tools for 11-19 year olds, all in one place. All Notre Dame students are introduced to Career Pilot as part of our careers programme

Notre Dame is pleased to have been awarded ‘Super User’ status for the year 2020-2021 for using Careerpilot to support our careers provision and Gatsby Benchmarks.

Further Information
If you have any questions at all regarding IAG and Notre Dame please do contact us by using the school’s telephone number or email: Miss T Byng – [email protected]